Easy Ways to Restore Deleted Photos on iPhone Device

Restore Deleted Photos on iPhone Device

Some of us may have experienced what is called the wrong deletion of photos or pictures on our cellphones. Deleting pictures from the Photos app, especially on the iPhone doesn't actually remove them from the phone. At least for some time, considering the photo will remain on the phone for up to about 40 days. When you delete a photo, Photos will label it with how many days until it's permanently deleted. Typically, you find a 29 day label.

How to restore deleted photos on iPhone is very easy. Similarly to undelete when you change your mind. For those of you who accidentally or maybe changed your mind after deleting photos on your iPhone, here's how to undelete photos. We will share how to restore deleted photos on iPhone.

How to undelete photos on iPhone

  • In the Photos app, tap Album
  • Scroll to the very bottom and select Recently Deleted
  • If prompted, use Face ID to open the album
  • Tap a photo to open it
  • Tap the Recover button at the bottom right
  • Tap Recover Photo to confirm

How to undelete multiple photos on iPhone

  • Once you are in the Recently Deleted album, tap Select in the top right
  • Tap any photo you want
  • Tap again on the photo to deselect if you made a mistake
  • Tap the Recover button at the bottom right
  • Tap Recover 10 Photos to confirm

How to hide photos on iPhone

In the latest operating system iOS 16, the feature to lock photos hidden on the iPhone is in the Hidden album. Its location is in the iPhone gallery. The album specifically functions to be a container for a number of photos that users hide from the iPhone gallery. Something similar did not exist in previous iOS.

In previous versions of iOS, hiding photos on the iPhone might be said to be a strange thing. Users can hide photos even though they are not actually hidden. Photos that are hidden from the gallery will move to the Hidden album. When you are in the Hidden album, it does not mean that the photo cannot be accessed by others. In older versions of iOS, photos hidden in the Hidden album were easily accessible. Other users can unlock without needing to enter a security password.

The feature to hide photos on iPhone in special albums in older versions of iOS is also less effective. However, it is different with the presence of the new operating system iOS 16. Hidden albums in the iPhone gallery can be locked. When you want to open a hidden photo, the user needs to first authorize it by entering the iPhone password.

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